Katelyn is a licensed Mental Health Counselor in private practice in Massachusetts. Katelyn has spent her years in the field celebrating the uniqueness of her patients , respecting the eb and flow of life stressors and victories in all age ranges. Katelyn’s professional passion and expertise are in treating anxiety and depression, especially in cases where the day to day life has been impacted. Katelyn creates a judgement free environment for clients to feel safe exploring their needs and concerns. Katelyn empowers her patients to reach a level of healing and growth so that they may enjoy the life they deserve. When she’s not sitting in her cozy therapy chair with a warm cup of coffee and a smile, you’re likely to find her cooking, getting outdoors, or spending time with her family.

What I provide

  • Individual Therapy

  • Virtual Sessions

  • Adults 18+

  • MA residents


  • Aetna

  • AllSavers UHC

  • BlueCross and BlueShield

  • Cigna and Evernorth

  • Harvard Pilgrim

  • Optum

  • Oxford Health Plans

  • UHC Student Resources

  • UMR

  • UnitedHealthcare UHC | UBH

  • Out of Network

New Neese On Life

My specialty is you. I work hard to create a safe and relaxed environment for you to do the work that you need to do. My role is to help you process experiences and support you as you walk through the various seasons of life. I enjoy working with women and moms. Also, I have a special interest in working with Internationals/Transplants/First Gen clients.